Technology Transfer Office

Health data and competitiveness: what are the challenges for the technique and the law?

Health data and its multiple potential usesare at the heart of many ethical concerns andclinical, but also commercial and competitive in a context of a globalized economy.
This is why the Société de Législation Comparée has joined forces to MINES ParisTech, in partnership with Curie Cancer to address these issues to bring together different actors in order to share experiences and visions, and reflect interactively on our common future.
Droit Santé
27 Nov
Données de santé et compétitivité : quels défi s pour la technique et le droit ?
Location: 60, bd Saint-Michel 75006 Paris
Organizer: MINES ParisTech - Université PSL
Intervenants : Thomas Walter - Centre de bio-informatique MINES ParisTech - U900 Institut Curie INSERM, Chloé-Agathe Azencott - Centre de bio-informatique MINES ParisTech - U900 Institut Curie INSERM - chaire PRAIRIE

Health data and its multiple potential uses are at the heart of many ethical and clinical concerns, but also commercial and competitive in a context of a globalized economy:

  • scientists and clinicians, who can now, for in situ or remote research and care uses, process previously inaccessible, useless and non-transferable volumes of complex data
  • those of healthcare technology manufacturers, digital services and, of course, insurers, who have perceived the shift in value creation and power towards their cross-functional production, control and operation
  • those of lawyers and citizens, who question the value of their data and the effectiveness of the protections intended to cover them, as well as the scope of increasingly sophisticated and dynamic algorithms
  • those of public decision-makers: they are required to provide access to the best care, but must simultaneously protect public freedoms, the integrity of our institutions, and guarantee our national capacities challenged by new competitors... or transformed by new approaches.

This is why the Société de Législation Comparée has joined forces to MINES ParisTech to address these issues to bring together different actors in order to share experiences and visions, and reflect interactively on our common future.

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Registration required, before November 25, 2019, in the limit of places available from the Company of comparative legislation.

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Colloquium validated as part of the continuing training of lawyers.