Technology Transfer Office
Actualité - Innovation

i-LAB 2017: Two start-ups winners from the research teams of Institut Curie

For the 19th edition of the i-LAB national competition to support the creation of innovative technology companies, the jury distinguished 62 "creation and development" winners from the 400 applications received. Among the prizes, two innovative projects of the start-ups Inorevia and Stimunity are the result of the work developed by teams of researchers of Institut Curie.
ilab2017 web

INOREVIA: A new generation of biological analyzers

Intended for researchers, engineers and technicians from public and private research laboratories, Inorevia is the gateway to the market for new generation biological analyzers. Inorevia develops automated instruments for biological analysis. These automata use breakthrough technologies, developed by a team of researchers from Institut Curie (Macromolecules and Microsystems in Biology and Medicine team, directed by Jean-Louis Viovy), to miniaturize biochemical reactions.

Winner: Julien Autebert, CEO.

STIMUNITY: Bio-drug in the treatment of cancer to stimulate the immune system

Stimunity, the result of research by a laboratory of Institut Curie (Human Innate Immunity team, led by Nicolas Manel) and collaborators at the University of Oxford, proposes a new bio-drug in the treatment of cancer which makes possible to reactivate the immune defenses and to induce an anti-tumor effect on tumors resistant to conventional immunotherapy (checkpoints inhibitors).

Winner: Sylvain Carlioz, CEO.