Technology Transfer Office

Clinical Trial - SCANDARE

Prospective Biobanking Study aiming at Better Understand the Link between the Molecular Alterations of the Tumor Itself, Its Microenvironment and Immune Response (SCANDARE).

Cohort details

Type of cohort: Bio banking clinical trial
Pathology: Ovarian, Triple Negative Breast and Head and Neck Cancer Patients Identifier: NCT03017573
Data and samples availability: Upon request for specific projects
Status: Recruiting patients
Cohort size: 220/500 patients have been included so far.


SCANDARE is a prospective biobanking study on tumor (+/- nodes), plasma and blood samples at different time points. This study will allowed identifying new molecular and/or immunological biomarkers associated with clinical and biological features of the tumors. All patients will receive standard treatment according to the stage of the diseases and usual procedures.

Inclusion criteria

Male or female patient’s ≥ 18 years of age:

  1. Newly diagnosed treatment-naïve ovarian cancer patients eligible for surgery or neoadjuvant chemotherapy (n=200)
  2. Newly diagnosed treatment-naïve triple-negative breast cancer patients eligible for surgery or neoadjuvant chemotherapy  (n=200)
  3. Newly diagnosed treatment-naïve HNSCC patients eligible for surgery (n=100)

Primary objective 

To identify new molecular and/or immunological biomarkers associated with clinical and biological features of the tumors.                

Secondary objectives

  • To characterize the composition of the tumor microenvironment (TME) and cellular communication before and after treatment
  • To assess the links between the tumor molecular profile, the TME and the immune cells
  • To analyze the impact of TME parameters on sensitivity/response to treatment
  • To correlate temporal and spatial tumor heterogeneity with immune activation
  • To assess the predictive value of circulating biomarkers on sensitivity or resistance to treatment


The principal investigator will evaluate Project proposals on case-by case basis. Projects shall fit with primary or secondary objectives. Retrospective projects could be based on samples or data analyses.